Club Constitution & Policies
Policies of the Club
Club Members are advised to familiarise themselves with our Policies and Procedures which are listed below (please click on the policy to view and download a pdf version of the document):
Members Code of Conduct (V2 18 May 2021)
Parents, Carers & Supporters Code of Conduct (V2 18 May 2021)
Volunteers Code of Conduct (V2 18 May 2021)
Equity Policy (V2 18 May 2021)
Anti-Bullying Policy (V2 18 May 2021)
Supervision of Club Members whilst visiting other locations (V2 18 May 2021)
Whistle Blowing Policy (V2 18 May 2021)
Child & Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy (V2 18 May 2021)
Poolside Helper Induction Checklist (V2 18 May 2021)
Health & Safety Policy (V2 17 February 2023)
Poolside Helpers & Swim Teachers Policy & Progression (Revised 2017)
Child Protection Procedures (Revised 2018)
Social Media Policy (2018)
Constitution of the Club
Ruislip Turtles Swimming - Club Constitution as agreed AGM 20 June 2020
Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club Constitution
As approved at the AGM 20th June 2020
The name of the club shall be known as ‘Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club’
To encourage, promote and develop the art of swimming and provide respite for disabled persons.
3. Membership
a) The Turtles Committee reserves the right to reject a membership application at their absolute discretion, but in general, Membership shall be open to: -
1. All persons with a disability.
2. All persons who undertake to give instruction on behalf of the Club and/or assist in the running of the Club.
b) Persons admitted under clause 3(a), shall be required to complete a membership form, which will include a declaration of suitability to undertake pool activities.
c) Each disabled member shall be entitled to bring two relatives/friends to each session. These relatives/friends are not entitled to be present in the absence of the disabled member, or if the disabled member is unable to swim. These relatives/friends shall be enrolled as club members.
d) Family membership— although the general rule is that the club allows only 2 relatives or friends, the families of disabled members can apply for family membership to include up to 2 adults and any children under 16. All family members are expected to pay membership subscriptions.
e) Juniors (16 years or under in the year of payment) shall at all times be accompanied or be under the supervision of a responsible adult.
f) Vulnerable adults and junior members must be accompanied by a parent or carer member at all times both in and out of the pool. These members are the direct responsibility of the parent/carer and for this reason we require the parent / carer to be confident in the water.
g) Concessions to Clauses 3c, 3d & 3e may be granted on application to the Committee. The decision of the Committee shall be final. On approval, visitors may attend pool sessions on payment of the appropriate fee. All persons admitted under this concession, shall be enrolled as temporary members of the club for insurance purposes.
h) Any non-disabled member or carer may not attend the pool session without their disabled member. However, a non disabled member may attend in the capacity of carer to another disabled member which needs to be communicated at session registration.
i) Members acting in the capacity of a designated Club Volunteer Helper for that session shall be entitled to bring their children under the age of 16 for that particular swim session providing they are registered members. But otherwise, Helpers may not bring guests to the Poolside.
j) Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club is unable to provide 1:1 support for disabled members for the duration of the swimming session. Disabled members requiring a high level of support need to bring their own carer (who will also need to be a member) who will be responsible for that member both in and out of the water.
k) Membership and participation may be restricted in the following circumstances:
- The committee may decide and publish a maximum club membership number and implement a waiting list should this number be reached. The implementation date and policy for managing such a waiting list must be published 2 months prior to implementation.
- The committee may decide and publish a maximum pool capacity for each swimming session. Any member who arrives at registration after that threshold has been reached will either be turned away or be instructed to wait at poolside until authorised to enter the pool by the Senior Committee member present, (Chair, Chief Instructor, H&S rep, Secretary etc). The authorising party may use their discretion based upon water utilisation to authorise entry into the water. The committee must publish the maximum pool capacity 2 months prior to implementing.
l) The committee reserves the right to waive membership fees at its entire discretion.
m) The prioritisation and allocation of resources is decided by the qualified instructors present at any swim session. These instructors will be identified as ‘Swim Teachers’. Swimming tuition is available to all members, but priority is given to disabled members. No member has a ‘right’ to tuition or to a specific time period of tuition.
n) The committee and its volunteers cannot be responsible for organising/ delivering transport to the membership.
o) When applying for Membership to the Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club, it is usual for the club to offer a Trial Pool Session before joining. Throughout the session and Pool Test, the applicant(s) is expected to abide by the Clubs’ Rules and adhere to Club Policies and take direction from both Turtles & Leisure Centre Pool Staff. The Committee reserves the right at their absolute discretion to reject a membership application form from the disabled member or their carer, following the Pool Test.
p) From time to time, members may request to have visitors present in the viewing gallery. The Turtles Committee reserves the right to refuse visitors entry to the gallery at their absolute discretion, and The Turtles Committee also reserves the right to ask visitors to vacate the gallery. Visitors are not allowed at Poolside.
4. Officers & Committee Members
a) The officers shall consist of:
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Vulnerable Adult & Child Protection Officer
6. Assistant Secretary
7. Chief Instructor
8. Competition Secretary
b) The Committee shall consist of the Officers, together with six other members to be elected at the AGM, by ballot if necessary. At least three of the elected Committee shall be disabled.
c) A Quorum for the Committee shall be fifty percent (50%) of its elected Committee Members.
d) Each member of the Committee shall have one vote. The Chairman shall have ONE vote only, that being the casting vote.
e) The Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies and appoint such other members as they deem necessary. Such members shall have no vote.
f) The Committee shall have the power to discipline club members for any reported and proven offence including contravention of: -
1. The rules and regulations of the Council and the Pool Management
2. The rules of the Club and / or Club Officers
3. Unruly conduct contrary to the general safety of club members.
5. Disciplinary Procedures
a) The Committee reserves the right to take action against members whose behaviour may be detrimental to others. Aggressive or unruly members will be warned as a first step but the club’s Disciplinary Procedures will be enforced should there be a reoccurrence.
b) If any Club member considers that another member(s) should be disciplined or expelled they must inform the Chair as soon as practicable, in writing, stating the reasons why that action should be taken.
c) On receipt of an allegation the Chair will appoint a Reviewing Sub-Committee, consisting of three members not involved as witnesses, who will consider the evidence. The Reviewing Sub-Committee shall report their findings to the Committee as soon as practicable.
d) If the Reviewing Sub-Committee is not satisfied that the evidence is sufficient to support an offence under ‘Committee, Clause 4 (f), this shall be recorded in the minutes.
e) If the Reviewing Sub-Committee is satisfied the evidence is sufficient they may recommend that: -
1) The member(s) is expelled from the Club.
2) The member(s) receive a formal written warning.
f) If the Reviewing Sub-Committee is unable to agree a unanimous recommendation, the majority decision will prevail. Having made their recommendations, the Reviewing Sub-Committee will have no further involvement in the proceedings.
g) The Chair must inform the member(s) directly involved in writing, of the Reviewing Sub-Committee’s findings. The Chair must also inform the accused member(s) of the details of the allegation together with a summary of the evidence.
h) Should the Reviewing Sub-Committee recommend action as at 5.e. above, the accused member(s) may appeal and ask for their case to be considered by a quorate meeting of the Committee. The appeal will be presided over by the Chair, or by another member appointed by the Chair, to act in his or her capacity. The majority decision of those Committee Members present will be binding.
i) If an appeal to the full Committee is to be held the Chair must notify the accused member(s) of the date, time and place of the meeting. This notification must be delivered personally to the last known address of the member(s), which will be accepted as Proof of Notification. This must be done within one month of the Reviewing Sub-Committee making their recommendations. These arrangements must be mutually convenient.
j) At the appeal, the accused member(s) may be accompanied by a friend. If the accused member(s) fail to appear before the Committee Meeting, the case may be heard in their absence, providing the Chair of the meeting is satisfied that the accused member(s) had been properly informed of the date, time and place of the meeting and that the meeting may proceed in their absence.
6. Annual General Meeting
a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held on the second (2nd) Saturday in May, or at such time and place as may be determined by the Committee, provided that every General Meeting, except the first, shall be held not more than fifteen months after holding the last preceding meeting.
b) The Notice of the Meeting shall be publicly posted at least twenty-one (21) days before the Meeting.
c) In the absence of the Chair or Vice-chair, the Meeting may elect a Chair from the members present at the meeting.
d) The business at the AGM shall include:-
1 Minutes of the last Meeting.
2. Approval of the Annual Accounts and Treasurer’s Report.
3. Officers Reports.
4. Election of Officers & Committee.
5. Election of an Auditor.
6. Any Other Business.
e) Every member, including Officers shall address the Chair. When more than one member wishes to speak, the first to signify shall be given preference, the decision resting with the Chair.
7. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
a) An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called at the discretion of the Committee, or at the request of ten (10) members of the Club.
b) The Meeting shall discuss only the business for which the meeting was called.
c) A Quorum for the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be fifteen (15) members personally present, three (3) or more of whom shall be Committee members.
d) Any EGM must be held within 45 days of being called. The Meeting must be publicised to all members via a visible notice at the pool and via the members email address supplied. The Motion proposed at the meeting must also be communicated with the above.
8. Finance
a) The Treasurer, or appointed nominee, shall present at the AGM an audited account of the state of affairs of the Club, made up to the 31st of March.
9. Subscriptions
a) Subscriptions, for membership of the Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club, are to be set and communicated to the membership 60 days ahead of any proposed change.
b) Any change to the membership rates will be recorded at the AGM as part of the Treasurers Report.
c) A Visitor Fee shall become payable under Clause 3g, as set at the AGM.
10. Governance
a) Subject to the following provisions of this clause, the Constitution may be altered by the Committee by giving a minimum of 35 days notice to the membership.
The Notice of the Resolution must set out the terms of the alteration proposed and make clear: the nature of the change, the reason for the change and the impact on the membership.
The changes should be communicated to the membership by way of a notice at the pool reception for 4 scheduled Turtles swim sessions.
Should objections be raised and an EGM called to discuss, no change can be made until resolution at the EGM.
b) No amendment may be made to Name, Objects, Dissolution or this Clause without the prior consent, in writing, of the Charity Commissioners.
c) No amendment may be made which would have the effect of making the Charity cease to be a charity in law.
11. Dissolution
a) If the Committee decide that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Charity it shall call a Meeting of all the members of the Charity, of which not less than 21 days notice (stating the Terms of the Resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the Proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority, of those present and voting, the Committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Charity
b) Any assets, remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities, shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institutions, having objects similar to the Objects of the Charity, as the Members of the Charity may determine, or failing that, shall be applied for some other charitable purpose. A copy of the Statement of Accounts, or Account and Statement, for the Final Accounting Period of the Charity shall be sent to the Charity Commissioners.
12 Affiliation
a) By agreement at a committee meeting, the club may from time to time, affiliate to a National Swimming body.
b) Upon affiliation, and in any conflict between any rule or by-law of the Club and any of the Governing Body Rules, then the relevant Governing Body Rule shall prevail.
c) By way of example, should the club be accepted for Swim England accreditation then the club would be affiliated through the Swim England London Region, and shall operate in compliance with the Swim England London Region Constitution, and Swim England Rules & Regulations, including the Wavepower welfare guidelines.
Pool Rules and Evacuation Procedures
- The small pool cannot be in operation unless a lifeguard is present, so no member should enter the pool until a lifeguard gives permission. Likewise, at the start of the swim session in the main pool, no member should enter the pool until advised to do so by the lifeguard or senior instructor for that session.
- Carers / parents should remain within arm's reach of the person they are looking after in the pool.
- There should be no diving or persistent jumping in the pool. Instructors may allow jumping in when in the course of a lesson in order to promote safe practices. Adult members may jump in to the water on first entry but only where it is safe to do so.
- Children under 8 years old are not allowed to swim in the deep end of the pool.
- There should be no running on poolside at any time.
- Carers should remain within arm’s reach of the person they are looking after in the pool.
- Follow the advice of the senior instructor present regarding the use of buoyancy aids at all times
- The taking of pool photographs at any time is only permissible following the explicit authority of the Committee.
- Although you are not legally obliged to inform us of changes to your medical condition, we strongly advise that you do. Please inform the Club Secretary in person or by email.
- On hearing an alarm, all swimmers should exit the water and proceed to the assembly point / first aid point (by the back exit, accessed through the door by the side of the small pool) or as directed by Highgrove pool staff or Ruislip Turtles marshals. Members should NOT go to the changing rooms. Guests in the public viewing area should move to their assembly point and should NOT make their way to poolside.
- Carers are responsible for those under their charge. Able bodied members on poolside should give assistance as directed by lifeguards or Ruislip Turtles marshals, and be aware of others who might need help to exit the water. Those members requiring the hoist should assemble by the hoist and wait to be assisted by trained operatives.
- A recognised Ruislip Turtles marshal will go to the First Aid Point where the lifeguards will be assembled and await instructions from the pool duty manager.
- The pool duty manager or pool staff will advise what action is to be taken. For example, swimmers will exit the pool area and leave by the exits as directed by pool lifeguards to the outside assembly points.
- Ruislip Turtles marshals should liaise with lifeguards at all times. It is essential that all members follow the directions of pool staff and Ruislip Turtles marshals.
Ruislip Turtles Swimming Club (GDPR Statement)
GDPR became enforceable on 25th May 2018. As a club we hold data drawn from information you have supplied to us or we have collected through your swimming (eg swim times.) We solely hold this information for the purposes of club administration and do not pass any information to external parties, with the exception of where that information is to be used for your participation in competitions or galas. We communicate with you via e-mail and you have the option to withdraw from this on request. Should you wish to see the information we hold on you, please e-mail