We hold 2 Gala each year, our internal club championships (May) and our Invitation gala (Sept). Both Galas operate under NASCH rules with a 10% repositioning factor.
NASCH Gala rules
This is a simple system that has been designed to give every disabled person the opportunity to swim competitively with an equal chance to win. The system does not discriminate between those with a physical or learning disability, nor indeed does it discriminate between differing levels of ability. Using this system, the most severely disabled person can compete on equal terms with those who have a slight disability. The system operates by progressively delaying the start of those more able swimmers so that in an ideal race all swimmers should finish together. Before a gala, each swimmer submits the time in which they expect to swim the event entered. These are then used to establish the starting time (delay) of each swimmer and an overall race time. To prevent unreasonable times being submitted a repositioning system is also used. Under this system swimmers are repositioned if they swim the race much faster than expected. For each race a time known as the Repositioning Factor is calculated. This represents the maximum time by which a competitor may improve his or her time without being repositioned. It is calculated by calculating 10% of the average submitted times of all the swimmers in the event. The actual swum times recorded at a gala are then used for the next gala event in the calendar.